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 Sonneries Alcatel 311- 511- 512-715  

R&B 1 | R&B 2 | R&B 3 | Rap 1 | Rap 2 | TV-films 1 | TV-films 2 | TV-films 3 | TV-films 4 | Alcatel Rock-Metal | Alcatel Pop/techno

2*88, 3*88, 4*8, 4*8, 3*88, 1*88, 48, 48, 088, 088, 2*88, 3*88, 6*8, 5*8, 2*88, 3*88, 4*88, 4*8, 4*8, 3*88, 1*88, 58, 58

The Matrix
3, 6, 3, 1*, 3, 6, 3, 788, 2*, 3, 5#, 3, 7, 3, 5#, 3, 0, 3, 6, 3, 3*, 3, 1*, 3, 288, 1*, 2, 4, 2, 7, 4, 2*, 4, 0, 3, 6, 3, 1*, 6, 3*, 1, 488, 6*, 6, 1*, 6, 4*, 1, 6, 1*

The Simpsons
2#, 688, 2#88, 688, 2#88, 68, 688, 2#88, 688, 2#88, 688, 2#88, 2#, 688, 2#88, 688, 2#88, 6, 688, 2#88, 6, 688, 2#88, 6, 2#8, 0, 5, 0, 6, 0, 1*, 6#8, 0, 5, 0, 2#, 0, 1, 688, 088, 688, 088, 688, 088, 6#8, 08, 08, 688, 088, 688, 088

The X-files
3, 7, 6, 7, 2*, 78, 08, 08, 3, 7, 6, 7, 3*, 78, 5*, 4#*, 3*, 2*, 4#*, 78, 08, 08, 3, 7, 6, 7, 2*, 78, 08, 08, 3*, 78

X - Men Theme
588, 188, 288, 2#88, 288, 188, 5, 588, 188, 288, 2#88, 288, 188, 5#, 588, 188, 288, 2#88, 288, 188, 2#8, 288, 18, 188, 488, 588, 5#88, 588, 488, 188, 188, 488, 588, 5#88, 588, 488, 1#88, 588, 188, 288, 2#88, 288, 188, 2#8, 288, 188

Woody Woodpecker
1#88, 4#88, 6#88, 1#*88, 6#, 1#*88, 6#88, 788, 1#*88, 788, 6#88, 5#88, 1#*8, 2*88, 2#*88, 2*88, 2#*88, 788, 788, 788, 2*88, 2*88, 788, 6#88, 788, 1#*88, 1#*88, 788, 1#*, 6#8, 4#88, 5#88, 6#88, 688, 6#88, 4#, 4#88, 5#88, 6#88, 688, 6#88, 4#, 4#88, 5#88, 6#88, 788, 1#*88, 788, 6#88, 5#8

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